Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chapel w/Celtic influence
 Compton, Surrey, England

Dying to Revive

It's an odd paradox,
perhaps all are such,
this life cycle event
born out in nature
that death makes room
for new to come,
gardeners know it's true
anyone who observes ecology
watching ecosystems regenerate life
are not really surprised
humans are effected also
in process of maturation,
childhood toys are abandoned
clothes no longer fit,
thoughts, consciousness, simply expand,
some good things misplaced,
play, curiosity, flexibility, awe,
adventure, creativity, freedom, wonder,
yet transitions continue unabated
using an inner timetable,
subtle clockwork tumbler mechanism,
which is rarely understood
while falling into place,
not happening until ready,
where present becomes past
given up for 'next',
dying, to revive living.

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