Kevin at Seabright Beach
(photo by Art Durand Photography)
At times I can witness
my self-induced solitary living
by just checking the results,
very few call to invite
asking for participation in fun
or some other social activity,
I'm without an intimate partner
left only to dream possibility
while caught in my importance,
that I'm doing something significant,
even when feeling so alone,
and yes, I have friends,
folks I love to see,
be with, and also acquaintances,
plus a big caring family,
but I don't make contact,
put on celebrations, dinner gatherings,
or ask advice, assistance,
to engage on deeper levels,
instead playing the independent game,
self sustained, insular, not needing
recognition for my self worth,
so occasional pity parties ensue,
though blessings cascade upon me,
pointing to my great desire
for closeness and being included
not distanced from love wanted.
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