Monday, October 12, 2009


Gentle Thunder sharing Castle Lake with 'Dragonfly', Mt. Shasta, California


It may seem counter
to common sense society
born around work ethic
Protestant ideals and more,
that when stressors multiply
the cure is opposite,
letting go manufactured need
for premature decision making
not having all information
or burdened by expectations,
assumptions, forgetting the wisdom
of loving 'what is',
embracing and 'being it',
seeing past illusory permanence
situations given exaggerated importance
where leaving things alone,
all the detailed projects
on long priority list,
allows for new thinking
when settling into ease
discovering everything can wait
while paddling mountain lake
blessed by dragonfly medicine
reminding of veil between,
what seems real isn't
yet peace, joy, love,
find substance in retreat.

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