Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Being Given

Veil of morning fog over Santa Cruz viewed from UCSC campus

Being Given

All the props are there,
in place, for grand adventure
and it's called 'this life'
with all the ego manifestations
that confuse, while also titillate,
to activate my body sensations
which lead me to 'reality',
this physical world of experience,
yet behind the puppeteer's stage
is vast universal chaotic 'isness',
where once through the 'veil'
these curtains that create separation
become transparent, fall to ground,
leaving me nothing to hold,
no longer is there 'I',
only 'us', everything as 'One',
from that perception living changes,
takes on whole new attributes
bringing accordant shifts in thought
while influencing choices every day,
seeing perfection when not measuring
capable of loving dissonance equally
through floating back and forth,
entertaining joy, sadness, as illusion,
though the former, with compassion,
allows for continued potent participation
when being given shining opportunity.

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