Flying off the rope swing while getting ready to dive.
Upper pool at Montezuma waterfalls, Costa Rica.
Go Mythic
Is this for everyone,
to enter alchemist realm
have veil become thin
between physical and spiritual,
where ancestors, Nature, confer,
send signs, messages through
that lead toward Destiny
if one is courageous,
can embrace soul journey,
their part to play
in epic human history,
especially at this time
as capitalist dream fades
and Aquarian Age begins
ushering in more cooperation
urgent to make changes
from developed evolutionary consciousness
within our own selves
by cultivating inner equanimity,
the essential 'First Peace'
able to access wisdom,
intuit appropriate right action
in any given situation,
being the Light Emissary
who sees miraculous expanse
of what's wanting birthed
which will reverberate exponentially
effecting past, present, future,
when we go mythic.