Photo from FireHawk Hulin
Familiar Grooves
It's a reoccurring pattern
dug deep in gray matter
maybe part of original clay
my earthly DNA genetics
that recognizes certain things,
places, women, even weather,
as a resonating attractor
with old response patterns
of the hunt when wanting
a relationship, travel, motorcycle,
or inspired to create, manifest
something new at home,
but it's in love arena
where my approaches pale
failing to bring desired results
when projections run wild
my mind caught in possibilities
trying to 'figure' best route,
and it's a pitiful example
coming up as inauthentic,
disingenuous, that is felt easily
by sensitive feminine nature,
while, with bravado I dove,
in past, to certain carnage,
lonely heart strewn in heap
the wreckage from confused action
seen by gawkers, passersby,
friends, family, who shake heads
wonder my insane familiar grooves.
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