Scottish friends on Isle of Mull at my Feb. 18th 2007 birthday/going away ceilidh
There is no getting away from it
always bumping or rubbing up against
whether mentally with river of thoughts,
past memories coloring today's perceptions
and those informing a possible future
or our constant physical proximity,
the ever changing environment crowding in
influencing our senses to open or close
to what we see, hear, smell, taste, feel
even as the unnoticed enters the subconscious
all of it spilling into this 'life experience',
animals, plants, people we come to know
as family, friends, acquaintances and such
each carrying unique overall vibration
plus specific nuance that effects us
with positive or negative emotions
depending on some ethereal chemistry
perhaps activated by tone, speech, touch,
whether they remind us with visual links
of some intangible combination we like,
dislike, can tolerate, or really love,
often times filling a personal vacancy
supplying us with affection we lack,
are unable to give ourself somehow,
becoming a reflection for what's needed
sparking associations to the truth we've missed.
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