View of clearing for new storage area structure, seen from workshop side roof.
The mind can be cluttered
with everyday pressures and concerns
especially when anticipating the future,
wondering what challenges will come,
somehow wanting to be prepared
which makes little room for
new expanse or healthy growth,
much like overgrown wooded hillside
where small, large trees, vie
for sunlight, space, needed ingredients
to fulfill their natural inclination,
and there is poison oak,
scotch broom, sticker bushes galore
that make movement, access, difficult
when pruning or eliminating obstructions
blocking one's clarity of vision,
whether immediately close or distant,
it requires small concerted actions
initiated for change in landscape
often times not knowing difficulties
waiting to be found underneath
brambles, brush, years of leaves,
all remnants to past cycles
while tools for unveiling vary,
chainsaw, loppers, rake, and clippers
depending what's needed in moment,
but finally, over exerted time
after bonfire burns old cuttings,
an intelligent clearing is revealed.