Monday, January 11, 2010


Yacht Harbor Lighthouse from Seabright Beach,
 Santa Cruz, California


While I grow older,
adjusting to changing perspective
because 'truth' has shifted
giving me new eyes
and heart to feel,
then world becomes transformed
as interpretive layers lift
which presents original shining,
the beauty always present
that escapes routine perceiving
from repetitive calloused outlook,
this gives great pause
whenever painting any reality
with 'sobering' broad brush,
how often is misunderstanding
at bottom of judgment
where internal jury decides
what is unequivocally 'so'
only to discover fallacy
once culprit enters history
hung from prejudiced gallows,
it takes daily awakening
reminding each virgin experience
occurs regardless of awareness,
no adulatory recognition necessary,
so it behooves me,
humanity, to start fresh
without our habitual consciousness,
able to revisit miracle.

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