Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Life Provides

A change of weather in Montezuma, Costa Rica
Wide angle/telephoto view from Anamaya Resort

Life Provides

Doors close, others open,
it's non-stop carousel amusement
of opportunities being presented,
don't like your choices
wait around for change
imagine it's Scottish weather,
this is real consistency
the continually shifting circumstances
to ride as surfers
who sometimes crash spectacularly
but also find grace
within temporary perfect alignment,
only to let go
unable to possibly hold
miracle that envelopes them
because next wave comes,
just as magically original,
pushing new currents forward
as test for abilities
which can be joyous,
and miserable, depending thoughts,
or our courageous risking
from insecurities fearful mix,
there is no void
within the physical world
filled with anything imaginable
if we trust ourselves,
Existence, our inner knowing
that life provides potential.

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