My previously coal burning 'Franklin' stove now converted to wood.
Each cold winter morning
fire ritual is enacted
of splitting, breaking kindling,
putting paper in first
followed by small wood
then bigger in progression
through top round portal
cast iron cover seals
on 'Ben Franklin' stove,
an old coal burner
having pulled guts from
to accommodate split oak
once flames are established
after final honoring sequence,
bowing on one knee
with air vents open,
I strike kitchen match
upon rough sided box
watching miracle burst forth,
stored sunlight, flickering brightly,
enters large combustion chamber
and begins building momentum,
becoming a locomotive roar
from ignited hungry feeding
that I dampen expertly,
regulating an essential ingredient,
oxygen, so it burns
long, slow, sustainably hot,
modeling constancy I value.
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