Morning departure after visiting friends near Newcastle on the T'yne, England.
50th Birthday Tour, 2004
Everyday hosts many responsibility options
some of great personal significance
such as those under radar
of one's daily ego consciousness,
and often endings can occur
especially if moving somewhere else
pulling up roots from area
with hopes of finding fertility
for dreams, visions, and home
in new territory of existence
on diverse spaceship Mother Earth,
this separation from old location
provides opportunity to shuck baggage,
letting go of stagnate ways,
attitudes, opinions, images and beliefs
that can hold us back
from realizing some essential creativity
lost in life deadening routines,
these are potent transformative moments
where change can catalyze vibrance
sparking us toward something forgotten,
like soul, our real purpose
within this magical Mystery tour,
so ready to be influenced
when awakening to deeper urges
which smack of primal directive,
'Do this or die miserably.'
more likely if denial wins,
robbing vitality, when restarting poorly.
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