Young swallows near ready to leave their nest.
Within an invisible world
the Unknown, as future,
patiently crafts our parts,
understanding on profound terms
every aspect it's awakening
in bits and pieces
on journey through living,
each experience is important
for the overall feathering
which will enable flight
after thoroughly gestating lessons,
those grubs of fear,
worms that burrow doubt,
bugs from petty concerns,
there is comfortable nest
waiting to be left,
long distance to travel
toward mysterious territory ahead,
somewhere in it all
a great rhythm beckons
shaping our unique destiny
upon foundation of ancestors,
without rhyme or reason
unfathomable myriad life forms,
not to be denied,
planned out, made linear,
secure, free of falling,
risking, getting lost, failing,
while enduring essential incubation.
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