Lakeside Organic Farm, Watsonville, California
It's Obvious
With a discerning eye
one can separate chaff
from wheat in life,
easier if not enmeshed
in emotional turbine thresher
where 'waters' clog blades
when attempting premature harvest,
not letting conditions ripen,
dry out, find fruition,
there's a waiting game
for farmer of wisdom
tapping into soulful intuition,
tough choices need making
after clearly seeing growth
beyond the illusory haze
of humid summer stickiness,
as light forebodes shift
into fall reaping, winter,
then rebirth in spring
if seeds were gathered,
painstakingly tested for vitality
asking what wants sprouting,
while fertilizing, cultivating soil
within territory that's you,
turning under the weeds,
furrowing your new direction
distinct from the past,
once you've stepped back
from turmoil, it's obvious.
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