City of San Francisco, Bay Area and Oakland seen in distance on motorcycle ride.
(photo by G)
I imagine a future epic importance
as if world depended on me
to evolve, break through, manifest greatness,
prodding me to push edges, jump,
into abyss of unknown potential, alone,
being stripped, tempered, along the way
madly shoving off excess to fly
thinking lean and mean enables success
keeping focus simple, limiting any distractions,
narrowed to intentions of soul purpose,
where no one understands, can follow,
forgetting I'm not an island, independent,
remembering my 'relations' support me here,
from earth, air, fire, and water,
plus many refinements of my ancestors
birthed through parents into big family
not just of shared blood, genealogy,
but all people who've shared life
as adopted brothers, sisters, called friends.
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