Stream without timetable and road alongside I motorcycled upon without a timetable.
September 2006, northwestern coast of mainland Scotland.
No Timetable
To those who marvel 'Mystery'
and see 'Source' in everything,
everyone, there's no predetermined 'Self'
bearing 'direct line' toward Evolution,
as if 'job' to complete
where each phase is estimated,
detailed, resourced, just waiting assembly
for 'worker bee' to finish,
so 'superiors', thinking they know
what's best outcome in life,
can be pleased with themselves
having 'envisioned' another's 'highest good',
when really it's arrogance, insecurity,
projecting their fear of cracking,
shattering, seemingly lost and unstable,
that paradoxically shines 'Light' through
touching every aspect of oneself,
less able when contained, controlled,
believing 'no timetable' spells doom.
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