Old 'horse' of the railroad.
Roaring Camp, Felton, California
Procrastination is misunderstood cousin
to procreation, (very near in dictionary),
and closely aligned when making choices
within the physical manifestation process,
think of it as form of discernment,
the mastication and gestation stages
while waiting for electric impulse,
a lightning bolt 'Ah-ha!' revelation
that opens way to glorious destination
without all the spurs, whips, carrots
used to get one's 'horse' moving,
or latest 'kick in ass' technique
which can push forward incessantly
regardless of 'timing or interconnection',
thinking inspiration will arrive eventually
once initial inertia is overcome
no matter if heart disagrees
as long as 'mind' points toward 'success',
often a societal command of conformity,
better to patiently appreciate the pause
aware of differences from past experiences
when being 'turned on' by possibility
authentically engaging gears gone rusty,
because true discovery to 'soul direction'
was in 'out of the box' conceptualization,
this virgin consciousness then becomes catapult.
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