Remnants of over 5,000 year old living quarters at 'Scara Brae'.
Orkney Island, Scotland
Storied Evolution
Specifically and generally homo sapiens are known
by personal, cultural, and Earth's 'history',
our early ancestors in tribal clans
received succor from a turbulent Mother
with Her seasons, upheavals, pendulum swings,
where parasitic humans matched volatility
amid desperate survivalist 'present'
initiating cognitive ability to remember 'past',
bringing first 'wisdom teaching' forward
surfacing idea that 'future' days were coming
and could be prudently planned for,
so it went, becoming out of balance extreme,
people fearful or excited about 'tomorrow'
depending upbringing, class, finances, education,
any number of experiences lived through
that inform thoughts of what is possible
whether it will be terrible or exalted outcome,
while most forget living 'in the moment' today
is place each individual 'tale' takes shape
written by how we handle life's procession
from cradle to grave, encountering sadness, joy,
plus everything in between others witness,
our friends, family, lovers who play roles
as supporting actors in this interdependent theater,
able to reflect and recount distance traveled
giving resounding applause to our storied evolution.
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