Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Go Mythic

Flying off the rope swing while getting ready to dive.
 Upper pool at  Montezuma waterfalls, Costa Rica.

Go Mythic

Is this for everyone,
to enter alchemist realm
have veil become thin
between physical and spiritual,
where ancestors, Nature, confer,
send signs, messages through
that lead toward Destiny
if one is courageous,
can embrace soul journey,
their part to play
in epic human history,
especially at this time
as capitalist dream fades
and Aquarian Age begins
ushering in more cooperation
urgent to make changes
from developed evolutionary consciousness
within our own selves
by cultivating inner equanimity,
the essential 'First Peace'
able to access wisdom,
intuit appropriate right action
in any given situation,
being the Light Emissary
who sees miraculous expanse
of what's wanting birthed
which will reverberate exponentially
effecting past, present, future,
when we go mythic.


The sunrise view from my bed in the Balinese House, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Anamaya Retreat and Resort Center, Montezuma, Costa Rica


There's always beginning,
each day arrives
after nightly dissolution
where physical reality
blends with dream,
I can wonder
what's more real
when past, future,
usurp the present
through thought transfer,
always on edge
never quite grounded
living between worlds
of disintegrating truth
changing over time,
making me wonder
nature of illusion,
feelings, sight, sound,
unable to grasp,
but for moment,
extended if continuing
to choose sameness,
sticking with agreements
about social constructs,
prioritized important living,
our belief systems,
yet, transformation happens,
is inevitable evolution
I enter daily.

The Doing

'Palm thatchers' covering roof of  new massage  treatment room.
Anamaya Retreat and Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica

The Doing

Having ideas come easy,
those visions and dreams
of what could be
that excite the senses
stimulate thoughts of possibility
feeling potential well up
as if already accomplished,
where confidence is spoken
about what will happen
and people give accolades
when wanting such results
to be manifested, physically
spread all over world,
but uttering is cheap,
many people, Presidents, talk,
give quality lip service
with no real action,
so it's always been
polish leaves the apple
every time it's tossed
into air of prejudice,
landing bruised by doubt,
one's inability to cherish,
nurture, quietly aim toward
simplest work of completion,
becoming Godlike by creating
something out of nothing
despite thick, dense world
which challenges the doing.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Take Time

My friends Kirsten and Rick in Kauai, Hawaii,
the day before their wedding, June 26th, 2005.

Take Time

The space between
life's big events
is discovery arena
where presence lives
in subtle gestures
and beautiful nuance
so often overlooked,
it's allowing for
extended lingering moments
as new perspective
finds inside lightness
encountering the feelings
which encourage understanding,
do not mistake
this with laziness,
procrastination and such,
more, it's percolation,
waiting for ingredients
that show direction
into richer world
of our creation,
never experienced, seen,
if headlong pursuit
keeps things whizzing
too fast, blurring
our life here,
not really lived,
remembered, until choosing
to take time.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Key

Bryce Canyon, Utah

The Key

Various options appear
due to feelings,
ideas, visions, dreams,
amount of energy,
or present mood,
whether big, small,
projects present themselves
such as chores,
daily care routines,
the weekly laundry,
plus cleaning house,
writing out bills,
often without inspiration
if we succumb
to societal belief
'Life is hard,
then you die.',
that it's drudgery
without much joy,
yet, if dissatisfied,
willing to experiment,
new ingredients transform
old thought patterns
making us adjust,
climb emotional ladder,
until coming across
fuel and spark
igniting inner fire
as the key.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


'Loaded for bear' on a 2008 month long trip into the Southwest, United States.


What we find in life,
or how it's experienced daily,
depends on so many influences
like rest, diet, work, thoughts,
past traumas and joys remembered,
whether we can love ourselves,
greet one another with equanimity
no matter the world news,
what's happening near and far,
yet inner cultivation of consciousness
may have the greatest impact
when coming back to peace,
yourself as uniquely expressed soul
in this shared miraculous existence,
often conditions for revelation change,
some drink, or smoke pot,
others run, bike, use exercise
to engage new expanded sensibilities,
while yoga, meditation, also help,
travel can work amazing wonders,
a motorcycle ride, river rafting,
paddling a kayak in ocean,
any circumstance that startles us
from mundane, habitually patterned outlook,
as last night clearly demonstrated
watching sunset, surfers, from Wharf,
Olita's, witnessing seagulls and pelicans
circle below and above me,
opening perceptions around graceful living.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Familiar Grooves

Photo from FireHawk Hulin

Familiar Grooves

It's a reoccurring pattern
dug deep in gray matter
maybe part of original clay
my earthly DNA genetics
that recognizes certain things,
places, women, even weather,
as a resonating attractor
with old response patterns
of the hunt when wanting
a relationship, travel, motorcycle,
or inspired to create, manifest
something new at home,
but it's in love arena
where my approaches pale
failing to bring desired results
when projections run wild
my mind caught in possibilities
trying to 'figure' best route,
and it's a pitiful example
coming up as inauthentic,
disingenuous, that is felt easily
by sensitive feminine nature,
while, with bravado I dove,
in past, to certain carnage,
lonely heart strewn in heap
the wreckage from confused action
seen by gawkers, passersby,
friends, family, who shake heads
wonder my insane familiar grooves.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Always Something

Kauai's 'Grand Canyon', Hawaii

Always Something

Upon awakening each day
and even while dreaming
life meets us fully,
no turning it off
until last breath expelled,
though probably there's more
within interim of passing
into next world waiting,
perhaps an ethereal lull
where we witness events,
those grieving over us
if people are attending
to necessary final moment,
or when dying alone
there is other recognition
of miracle existence surrounding,
as Nature, her beauty,
that has forever nurtured,
fed with so much,
sustaining the physical body
teaching through cycles, seasons,
in myriad of ways
which revealed deeper connections,
our inner landscaped environ 
so fully lived in,
housing mind, emotions, spirit,
it often escaped detection
but continually produced results,
always something to contemplate.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pendulum Swing

The winding road up to 'Snowdonia' territory in Wales, Great Britain.

Pendulum Swing

From warm full moon night
to cold foggy morning
Nature gives different faces
depending the seasons
and people do likewise,
some affected by light changes
dreading short days,
the rain and wind,
often from alchemical disposition,
their ancestral genetic code
while others love the shift,
for now that's me,
when grayness holds space
becomes container for slowing,
moving with calmer momentum,
not frenzied spring, summer
where so much happens,
this year it's mixed up
as work is happening again
plus many social events
with the holidays looming,
thus promising a compact schedule
seemingly distinct and directed,
though not from big perspective
looking through historic lens
that shows ups, downs,
emotional peaks and valleys
which points the old falls away
within pendulum swing of progress.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Odd Days

Midori and Kevin, the 'morning after' our first meeting, 11/3/08

Odd Days

We are culmination
of years past
all the experiences
lodged into us,
and if impacting
to soul, heart,
they are remembered
on cellular level,
so it is
when anniversary cycles
back to date
numbered in month,
that without pretense
emotions can arise,
melancholy, anger, loss
around dream ending
in sad situation,
but also elation
for fortunate encounter
the blessings visited
in time, place,
plus post repercussions
which influence favorably
through lessons learned
about personal makeup,
one's resilient coherence,
those intangible qualities
discovered and realized
from odd days.

Observe change

'Human Design Chart' for Kevin Spitzer
as a 'Manifesting Generator' done by Beth Black.

Observe Change

It happens,
is inevitable
by degree
even as
big turn
develops slowly
like stages
of life,
my third
Saturn cycle
coming on
with destiny,
what's possible,
probable potential
in reality
based on 
'human design',
being a
'manifesting generator',
and open
at root,
spleen, ego,
emotional center,
using sacral
for decisions
throat expression,
mind, crown,
awakening to
observe change.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Take Notice

Brothers 'Cowboy Keith', and 'Celtic Kevin'
during Halloween a few years ago.

Take Notice

My values are changing,
what garners my attention
and willingness to perform
has shifted it's territories
from being wild child,
up for catting about,
to developing wise nurturance
like resting when needed
that supports overall vibrance,
keeps me clear headed,
able to intuit action,
circumstance, and life demands
in way of ease,
flow, no push necessary,
the hurry of society
linked to worried living
insecure about results, expectations,
which separates 'what is'
into pro, and con,
making existence better, worse,
depending our psychotic outlook
thinking insanity is normal
with it's stress, unhappiness,
so devoid of connection,
love, some spiritual acknowledgement,
 where Halloween becomes important
for people to entertain
ideas around death, dying,
as they take notice.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Subtle Rhythms

The latest poetry book

Subtle Rhythms

I value my solitude
of being with silence
in morning writing ritual
while hearing 'Wing' breathe,
faint bird movements outside,
feeling into body wisdom
this clay of me
which vibrates differently today,
from yesterday, or tomorrow,
creating a sensory perception
as soul honing in
to what thoughts reside
within virgin dawn awakening
from latest culminated experience,
it's integration into 'now',
who I have become
and what destiny beckons
beyond veil of physicality
that demands willful manifestation
born of expectations, analysis,
judgment in all forms
verily shutting out Mystery,
the intangible Essence place
reminding my Universal connection
where air, earth, water,
plus fire, are embodied,
animated, as sensory human
so unique in form,
subtle rhythms, and energy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


At  Seabright Beach.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


A form of self-care
that says 'Relax now.',
nurture your soul here
by releasing the reins,
any idea of control
keeping fear at bay,
composed illusory improbable imaginings
more possible if entertained
with anxiety, dreading loss,
instead recline into Essence,
let go tense muscles,
whether mental or physical,
breathe in emotional buoyancy
allow moments to flutter,
slip by, wash over,
welcome the Infinite calm
behind chaos and cacophony,
there's nothing to do,
just be, without judgment,
bless any contrary thoughts
from ego wanting attention,
come back into Life
as baby so pure,
perfect in it's resting,
sublime, innocent, at peace,
having yet to define
itself, others, good, bad,
simply enter boundless world
so easy to forget.

Friday, November 20, 2009


700 B.C. 'Dun Beag' (small fort) on Isle of Skye, Scotland
Double stone wall enclosure for sentry,with steps.


There is much I've done
that comes up woefully short
for being an honorable demonstration
of a sacred human walking 
with beauty below and above,
in front, behind, plus within,
where now I feel humble,
able to see my shortcomings
or at least partly so,
realizing blindness is still present
which only time will uncover
yet it makes me attentive
more sensitive to others, curious,
as to what I'm missing
when judging from confident place
thinking I know the truth
about people, circumstances, and myself,
it feels good to expose
these aspects I've often defended
so walls of separation fall
and I can profess humanness,
my connection to all beings,
letting the ego slip away
to reveal, beyond spiritual witness,
shared essence with miraculous life
while embodying my unique form
rejoicing in mine and yours
embracing ourselves as brother, sister,
who offer apologies for trespasses.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


At beginning handrail stage of my brother Doug's new redwood deck.


Manifestation takes forethought,
precursor to impetus,
setting an intention,
consciously or unconsciously
conjuring up action,
so many steps
to be taken
even if impulsive
without overriding dream
that guides further
beyond gut understanding
and unforeseen repercussions,
which always happen
when guessing prediction
of end result
comes up short,
then seemingly obvious
with hindsight vision,
but that's Mystery
continually at work,
giving us senses
for playful exploration
we can engage,
or simply ignore,
trusting one's intellect
over intuitive knowing,
separating our resources
instead of incorporating
makes difficult preparation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My hands.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


With kid gloves
I hold you
in new place
of saying 'yes'
to the unknown,
what might be
from changed circumstance
our mental shifts
plus revealed hearts,
it is sweetness
that seeps in
surrounds the past
soothes old refusal
born of confusion,
maybe some fear
around losing self
not being asked
about conjured dream,
which allowed introspection
seeing my tendency
for blasting forward
on enchanted vision,
creating limited situation
like 'life partner'
bringing it's baggage,
where, now free,
without any expectations
living can surprise
reopen childlike wonder.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sudden End

My cat 'Hammer'  who adopted me, my other cat 'Paint' and my dog 'Wing'. 

Sudden End

It happened
so abruptly,
not considered
a possibility,
totally piercing
my heart
that shattered
from loss
of 'Hammer'
my cat, 
the lover,
who intruded
in beginning
pushed 'Paint'
from food,
once feral
he blossomed,
became affectionate
rubbing against
legs, body,
I fell
for him,
totally succumbed,
showering love,
hugging, kissing,
until final
sudden end.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Choice Points

My sister Mary Ann and brother Keith competing in volleyball tournament.
Main Beach, Santa Cruz, California

Choice Points

In the end we'll see
from clarity of hindsight knowledge
what drove us passionately onward
no matter what results followed,
or the interpretation we give
to each turn in road,
like coming to forked decision
when asking deep inner questions
feeling into heart/mind guidance
and principals we live by,
whether there was real coherence
with every aspect of Self
mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical,
'Did I stand for something?'
within connection bigger than ego,
it's petty concerns seen retrospectively
that kept separation as viable
thinking survival is about this,
protecting oneself, not taking risks
which feed 'soul core' yearning
in each human's beating heart,
tuned into Earth's magnetic field
where our resonance effects Hers
we often wobble in Universe
going through cycles of life,
large, small, personally, and collectively,
meeting choice points, then acting.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quick Turns

Winding 'single track', late January, 2006.  
Desolate western edge of the Isle of Mull, Scotland.

Quick Turns

Life is unpredictable
even when known
on certain terms
like mundane living,
our job description,
or relationship status,
taken for granted
forgetting things change
in a heartbeat
from percolating thoughts
fed by emotions,
desires, visions, needs,
perhaps not articulated
fully at time
yet message emerges
as prayer intention
within subconscious psyche
maybe becomes mantra
engaging hidden realms
where spiritual allies
wait to support
 what's being asked,
whether negatively, positively,
when mind disagrees
wants something different
than unfulfilled expectations
catalyzing quick turns.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Free Love

My brother Keith and Linda getting married.

Free Love

So often
bound up
with expectation,
terrible fear,
lost sovereignty,
that affections
can scare
folks away,
not share
alchemical stirring,
heart activation
Mystery provides,
in hindsight
world suffers
from lack
of expression
as individuals
stay closed
to miracle
which occurs
whenever embracing
the power
and potential
two people
generate exponentially
when engaging
free love.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Plans Change

Field fence ladder, Kintra, Isle of Mull, Scotland.

Plans Change

We entertain God
when thinking control
of life events,
what we'll do,
how, where, why,
it's nice thought
to imagine influence
over physical reality
and there is
in present moment,
but past, future,
those are different,
out of hand
not our domain
so it's humorous,
also to me
that folks 'expect'
then are unhappy
as living shifts
into different format,
effecting one's style,
perhaps looking foolish
for the effort
placed on calendar
all the appointments,
things thought important,
whenever plans change.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


In early days of KZSC radio career


This feels like it
when chewing on decisions
waiting for genius stroke
beyond ramrod action taking,
and life does same,
culminates to tipping point
as circumstances pile up,
point to what's needed
in next manifestation event,
where patience becomes virtue
calmly aware of transitions
being conduit for magic,
miracles we participate in,
the tuning fork transmitter
plus radio wave receiver,
we bubble up creations
that boggle the mind
just by removing expectations
of what we've thought
or how any assumptions
according to written plans
are supposedly stone set,
instead the valve opens
Mystery is allowed exposure,
full fluid diverse expression,
leaving smile on face
from percolation of ideas.

Monday, November 9, 2009


In Monterey Bay, Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


Thoughts can inundate the brain,
most folks call it mind
that works on own volition
with whatever can pop in,
willy nilly, without much control,
yet, in reality, it's different,
we have power to design
our inner and outer landscape
through present attention and awareness
choosing what is deemed worthy
when ego becomes Spirit servant
not the high rolling emperor
so caught in physical 'maya'
whose concerns drive people crazy
making up stories about life,
concepts, that impinge natural flow
one's creative inspiration and connection
to bigger Mystery of Existence,
from place of higher consciousness
perhaps experienced as spiritual witness,
we tap into collective wisdom
of all who have been,
are, and those still coming,
which is informed by Oneness
in this world of diversity,
potential, duality, that separates, unites,
until we're filled to overflowing.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Testing

Ready for the challenge at Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz
(photo by Art Durand Photography)

More Testing

With limited risk and challenge
it's easy to be smug
using routine mundane life activities
as security blanket for control
but inevitably something comes up
that rattles calm status quo
perhaps just a sudden realization
of consciously, or unconsciously asking
for stretch in human territory
defined as work, play, relationship,
where leaving past, entering future,
scares the existing ego silly
so doubts, fears, angst surface
to be looked at bravely
if progress is truly intended
when embracing our spiritual nature,
each individual's connection to Source
their infinite grounding in Mystery
which remembers true Sacred Dream
from influential internal peace,
there's plenty of opportunity for growth
while breathing life force freely,
smiling at any forgetful antics,
reminding us to find re-alignment
energetically opening and accepting 'now',
this new, and original soul setting
happily engaged in more testing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Little Clues

Burnt trees and rain clouds near North Rim of Grand Canyon

Little Clues

The subtle realm
oblivious to most
is always there
being transmitted slowly
in niggles, hunches,
any small intuition
rising from wonder,
asking 'What's this?
peering for answers
into psychic depth
what's behind veil
waiting for manifestation
resonating as 'destiny'
or all potential,
often just 'dreams'
that spur feelings,
ideas to consider,
while anticipating direction
which needs clarification
within quiet moments
becoming tuning fork
for Great Unknown,
Mystery, percolating inside
possibilities for action
where exercised choice
creates miraculous synchronicity
from little clues.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Naked in the outside shower.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


Whether they are filters,
judgments, ideas, beliefs, opinions,
or systems of knowledge,
in the end, meaningless
with last breath taken,
seeing those constructs dissolve
leaving nothing but 'presence',
if lucky, a chuckle,
for the wild ride
on extraordinary magnificent miracle
of illusory physical world
so bound by interpretation
from ego's slippery slope
of shapeshifting to satisfy
it's need for being
the controller of reality,
making itself supremely important
through life, death, consequences
though eventually there's exposure
if stubbornness slips away
to reveal frightened aspects,
child needing adult reassurance
that everything is okay,
has been, always will,
letting temporary nature go
when realizing Eternal Connection
removes obstacles to peacefulness.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Being Given

Veil of morning fog over Santa Cruz viewed from UCSC campus

Being Given

All the props are there,
in place, for grand adventure
and it's called 'this life'
with all the ego manifestations
that confuse, while also titillate,
to activate my body sensations
which lead me to 'reality',
this physical world of experience,
yet behind the puppeteer's stage
is vast universal chaotic 'isness',
where once through the 'veil'
these curtains that create separation
become transparent, fall to ground,
leaving me nothing to hold,
no longer is there 'I',
only 'us', everything as 'One',
from that perception living changes,
takes on whole new attributes
bringing accordant shifts in thought
while influencing choices every day,
seeing perfection when not measuring
capable of loving dissonance equally
through floating back and forth,
entertaining joy, sadness, as illusion,
though the former, with compassion,
allows for continued potent participation
when being given shining opportunity.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Turning Point

Land jetty between the San Lorenzo River and Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz, Calif.

Turning Point

Every moment is,
yet some impact
in extraordinary ways
as timing exaggerates
a decision made,
where wheel cog
finally engages direction
resonating so true
that if feels
like destiny travel,
suddenly having map
for coming years,
sensing deeper purpose
and soul alignment
so daily steps
of mundane variety
have powerful influence
without worry, strife,
just chop wood,
then carry water,
do little things
which advance toward
your future destination,
known, yet vague,
to be discovered
exquisitely carved from
each turning point.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

No Push

Sunset view of the Lighthouse and Wharf,
 from Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz, California.

No Push

Perhaps it's procrastination
a deep laziness
or core unwillingness
that's entered bones
from being older,
though believing otherwise,
it's really wisdom
which has infected
my conscious mind
so there's awareness
of body state,
tired or not,
and emotional equilibrium,
what needs expression
plus spiritual connection,
All as One,
where menial tasks
societal money concerns
even love relationships
pale in comparison
to merging rhythms,
mine and Source,
into creative synergy
allowing for unknown
uniquely timed occurrences
opening my heart
with no push.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Years

Dragonfly, and it's birthplace at Castle Lake, near  Mt. Shasta

Two Years

Some messages come boldly,
while others, subtle as air
gently caress side of face
titillating hair on skin
igniting momentary presence to life
it's haunting mystery and magic,
for me, I like big signs,
even though still misinterpreted
until later viewed in hindsight
wondering how I missed it,
like my sore shoulder saying 'Stop!',
look, listen, take physical break,
and slow work scene means 'recharge',
imagine possibilities besides construction
do the little things at home
plus dream a bigger vision,
well... Dragonfly visited in Shasta,
pointed me toward buying art
of itself pinned by kestrel talons
directing me to read in 'Animal Speak'
about 'nymph stage' time period
the metamorphosis from water to air
that startled me with clarity,
this is what I am to do
by coming to realize my transfiguration
into author, teacher, innovator,
as my new self, at two years end.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with veil of Sunday morning fog in October.


Without measured expectation
life can show up,
perform in surprising ways,
give us new information
through curiosity and questions,
or offers, devoid of inquiry,
like scenes in a movie
where nothing is wasted,
every conversation perfectly in place,
while carrying a foreboding
linked to what will come
 because of past connection,
years of friendship through sports,
business, or extended relations
that give plenty of opportunity
to surmise a person's character
get a feel for their integrity
as to trustworthiness and more,
which makes for percolation of ideas
thoughts rubbing along side possibility
sparking miracle blaze of potential,
whereupon comes a sudden revelation
with no real advanced pre-condition,
then synchronicity and serendipity unite,
find themselves pulling the cord
in concert with lights, camera,
aimed at next act unveiled on stage.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


The 'guest trailer', much like the one I lived in 31 years ago when moving to this land.


Yesterday's north wind
cleansed redwood trees
of old leaves,
their tiny pods,
gave good shake
to every limb
of oak, madrone,
eucalyptus, bay, others,
so morning litter,
the natural kind,
covers road, ground,
and my cats
now given chance
find warmth inside
kitchen, living room,
still without heat
as is upstairs
opting for layers
instead of fire,
taking me back
remembering 'trailer' years
many fall seasons
winter's wet weather
plus crisp dawn
which invigorates blood
filled with vitality
while coolness descends.

Monday, October 12, 2009


Gentle Thunder sharing Castle Lake with 'Dragonfly', Mt. Shasta, California


It may seem counter
to common sense society
born around work ethic
Protestant ideals and more,
that when stressors multiply
the cure is opposite,
letting go manufactured need
for premature decision making
not having all information
or burdened by expectations,
assumptions, forgetting the wisdom
of loving 'what is',
embracing and 'being it',
seeing past illusory permanence
situations given exaggerated importance
where leaving things alone,
all the detailed projects
on long priority list,
allows for new thinking
when settling into ease
discovering everything can wait
while paddling mountain lake
blessed by dragonfly medicine
reminding of veil between,
what seems real isn't
yet peace, joy, love,
find substance in retreat.