One of my garden bird baths, minus water and feathered friend.
In Nirvana
Many spiritual teachers say
we are already here,
that Heaven's on Earth
and there's no separation,
though humans perceive differently
because of mind distortions
created from accumulated madness
centuries of warped thinking
passed generation to next,
if true, we're deaf,
dumb, blind, and clueless
even with our technology,
creativity, innovations that dazzle,
plus institutions, laws, transportation,
our ability to communicate
from satellites, cell phones,
computers, in multiple languages,
yet, simplicity escapes us,
missing opportunities to stop,
observe, be in miracle,
merge with as part
of whole, inextricably entwined,
where we 'real-eyes' truth
when watching bird antics
in joyful morning bath
going under water, fluttering,
coming up, splashing more,
bringing smile to face,
lightness to heart, soul,
experiencing life in Nirvana.
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