Anamaya Resort, Montezuma, Costa Rica
Everyone Dreams
Most people think 'night escapades'
that go beyond normal consciousness
into the realm of bizarre
mostly misunderstood, and rightly so,
more potent are 'day variety'
which somewhat cogently invent worlds
we can imagine being in,
as if testing swimming waters
before refreshing or shocking immersion,
anticipating entry into altered state
after discerning worthiness of endeavor
through body as diagnostic tool ...
does breath, heartbeat, become pronounced
while electric energy traverses chakras
bringing goosebumps, tingling to extremities,
top of head, fingertips, toes,
sexual organs flowing hot blood,
just because thoughts have bridged
'what is' with 'what's possible'
wherein realm of 'All Potential'
becomes activated to serve 'Soul'
daring to author 'Creation Story'
of one individual bold enough
in belief that manifestation starts
from unique idea which catalyzes
vibrant conception not everyone dreams.
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