Buddha 'existing' in my succulent garden.
Slow Process
No matter long, short life
there's daily distance to travel,
Sun's trajectory can't be hurried,
Moon cycles have predicated pace,
seasons turn with synchronistic timing
whispering secret mantra of unfoldment
to leaf, bud, plants, animals,
who give birth and die
in natural space that's Eternity,
change is constant, not stagnate
though perceived 'sameness' tricks eye,
fools mind caught in trap
of despairing thought that futility
and struggle rule human realm
until positive impacted quickening occurs
from shift of unimaginable proportions
stirring hope alive in hearts
as counterbalance to reported catastrophes,
or simply a celebrated 'graduation'
with moments taken to reflect
on distance traveled when becoming
'who one is now', transformed,
credited with completing harrowed journey
into worlds once beyond comprehension,
witnessing entrance, exit through Mystery,
this slow process called Existence.
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