The result of many combined 'puzzle pieces' that have become my 'workshop space'.
Pieces To Puzzle
It's all a grand game
through eyes of a child
not hypnotized by adult view
that is hooked on order,
wanting it now without frustration
amid chaos which seemingly rules
even as 'Divine Principles' underlie
and support every miraculous occurrence
often viewed as luck, coincidence,
by those blind to 'Design',
this 'interconnected web' which holds
all possibility, potential, past, future,
right here in this moment,
when circumstances reinforce holistic nature
of small, large, sharing environment
where elemental resources combine exponentially
to create tantalizing original expression
as addition to 'Great Flux'
expanding, catalyzing, turning glorious, terrible,
dependent on state of consciousness,
one only needs to remember
how worst case scenario transformed
into fantastic essential learning experience,
similarly when all we've collected
during life finds rightful place
becoming perfect pieces to puzzle.
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