Perfect flowers for hummingbirds at the UCSC Arboretum.
Santa Cruz, California.
Coming Out
Eventually truth finds light of day
for health of person or society
otherwise misconceptions run a fraudulent world
easily collapsed when illusion is revealed,
people in relationship want vulnerable transparency
so imagination doesn't undermine what's real,
some say art as creative act
in not complete until shown around
witnessed by many without guarding oneself
from critiques that are less than
what originator thinks it's worth is,
there are also dream seed secrets
held in vaulted psyche of alchemist
who pours images, emotions, and soul
as concoction into boiling steamy cauldron
simmering juices of what's bodily possible
until clay base is left behind
ready to enter mold, become form
of future unfolding forever slowly, revealed
in right timing when utilizing patience,
this likens plant growing through cycles,
each one intrinsically necessary, essentially valid,
where interruption of any brings distortions
needing adaptation to reconnect confused threads
pulsing life force in direction wanted
finally coming out as flowering perfection.
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