Outside of Londonderry area in Northern Ireland.
Finally On Track
Does each 'spirit' have destination
it preconceived before birth entry
into physical world of challenges,
confusion, chaos, that disorients ability
for homing in on target
seemingly cloaked with invisibility shield
our 'human' senses cannot fathom,
though equipment needed for re-discovery
is something we assemble inside
as individual developing unique antennae
out of judged failures, victories,
every experience waylaying or refining
this navigational instrument called 'consciousness',
mysteriously tuned into primal agreement
to learn, grow, expand, delight
ourselves on surprising 'hero journey'
capable of identifying graceful passage
through land, waterways, that disrupt
panoramic overview of gleaming 'nirvana'
whenever inhibiting smallness creates rapids
of fearful worry, countering confidence,
peacefulness, excited restfulness, with longing
for fruition in all territories
our ego incarnation deems worthy,
until 'soul wisdom' supplants adolescent
adrenaline thoughts habitually conjuring inadequacy,
holistically pointing toward life purpose
putting us finally on track.
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