'Balnuaran of Clava' a 3 - 4,ooo year old prehistoric cemetery near Culloden, Scotland.
Let Go
As time gets closer
reality begins setting in
where dreamed 'All Potential'
takes backseat to pragmatism
as odds are weighed
for and against success
while fear, worry surface
in minds less accustomed
with trust in Universe,
more practiced with controlling
leveraged circumstance for protection
from any possible failings
and suffering that's attached
whenever 'coming up short'
of high perfectionist tendencies,
there's 'Life, Death' gravity
pervading all of Existence,
wherein cherished ones die
so often without warning,
or once vital love
transforms from inner stories
told employing outdated beliefs
making for 'serious' distortions
that cut off flow,
the grace always available
if we let go.
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