Entry into my rustic domain.
What I Could
In the air, it's final,
bags were packed, home cleaned,
Wing, rugs, given flea treatment,
Sean apprised of responsibilities, work,
how to handle pets, garden,
my domain, left for adventure
into Finland and persistent Unknown,
bringing imagination, reality, promise together,
I've labored to make money,
time, for exploration of Dream
with amazing woman, myself, Universe,
that could include changes around
relationship, career, where home is,
what I deliberate about when
seeing, hearing, feeling surrounding Mystery
all so newly original, virgin,
entering Source manifestations with Presence
only Soul Essence can muster,
open to what is available
without judgment, comparison, or measure,
engaging a beginner's mind perspective
able to observe minus chatter,
no good, bad, past, future,
at ease taking in Life,
where ego is in service
doing what I could beforehand.
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