Labyrinth and circular 5,000 year old stone carvings at 'Achnabreck'.
Near the 'Great Glen' in Kilmartin, Scotland
Circular Route
I'm a Celt at heart
feeling it deep within soul,
the more I delve into
listening to John O'Donohue talk
about Celtic Wisdom, Anam Cara,
there's surreal connection with ancestry
which isn't linear based race,
think artists, poets, beauty lovers,
big spirits connected to Nature,
Source, dancing in magic, miracle,
daily Existence playing with surprise,
spontaneity, entertaining essential childlike joy,
yet fierce warriors defending goodness,
truth, what's wholly life affirming,
freedom lovers, tied to family,
community, they'd sing troubles away,
laugh, revere ceremony, life's 'roundness',
unearthing 'Season wisdom', lessons, grace,
emulating sun, moon's, circular route.
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