Claiming my life with a big 'YES!' at Seabright Beach, Santa Cruz, California.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)
I like to think there's a 'Destiny
of highest calling.' that waits
amid millions of other scenarios,
each one worthy of my inhabitation
in diverse Existence supplying opportunities
dependent my 'choice point' decisions,
and if I pay close enough attention
to my inner intuitive sensibilities
while parading myriad 'dream seeds'
upon the screen of my consciousness,
then 'grandest' possibility will shine forth
for me to recognize as 'ultimate' direction
even when fear of failure and difficulties surface,
yet are outweighed by visions of Divine fruition,
whereupon my 'Soul' sends resounding 'YES!'
into the ethers of 'All Potential'
putting 'Universe' immediately to work
aligning material and spiritual realities
which place me in middle, straddling worlds
as author of unpredictable personal story,
part fairy tale future conjured from 'behind veil'
plus historical non-fiction as physical world plays out,
each coloring unique 'masterpiece' journey
only I could have chosen, signed up for,
realizing lessons learned from past challenges
along life path are germinating my future.
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