Doing morning 'tslagi' in my 'medicine wheel' at home.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)
Stand Ground
One must find it first,
not easy on shifting sands
where personal truths can change
over decades, years, months, days,
through volatile youth, old age,
dependent new information doors close,
windows open to fly from
into mysterious unknown clear expanse
as myriad landing places beckon
from 'Eagle' perspective gliding above
unencumbered for moment by Earth,
breathing air of 'heart/mind' knowing,
riding, reading, listening future winds
calmly, no hurry in heavens,
this realm of Soul connection
to 'All Potential' in Universe
whenever imaginative freedom is exercised,
our godlike ability for conjuring
multiple scenarios deemed possible destinies,
trusting we'll recognize Divinity's hand
in brilliance that reveals itself
within individual 'emotional guidance system'
encased in body, sparked enthusiasm
for opportunities 'thought dreams' catalyze,
point toward, the essential claiming
needed to victoriously stand ground.
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