Finishing 'tslagi' in 'wheel', imitating 'Sacred Tree of Life'.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)
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When I release expectations
of ego inspired unfolding
with it's timeline results
then there's easeful acceptance
toward what wants exposure
from rare interrelated timing
unencumbered by logical manipulation,
this is 'letting go',
breathing into present moment
noticing beyond tunnel vision
lists, duties, imagined criticism,
kept to tow line,
forgetting 'freedom' as birthright,
not needing to answer,
justify, explain my actions
to jury of peers,
family, voices in head,
wherein miracles come alive
realizing my essential Oneness
within great teeming matrix
called 'Life', arriving beautifully
each day, without mankind's
propensity to take reins
toward controlling chaotic Existence,
instead asking humanity to
show up expansively open.
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