Absurd 'tri-cycle' pulling a trailer, encountered at campground near Ring of Kerry, Ireland.
I give in to not knowing
much about the world, human nature,
that I always have more to understand
because of my limited perspective,
there's acceptance I've come up short,
will be disliked and judged harshly
for trespasses as I learn, grow,
just as I've disagreed mightily
in youth with war, capitalism, greed,
still do, yet they seemingly persist unabated,
somehow I can embrace this 'Existence'
and the absurdity of it making no sense
through my purely mental comprehension
all the while breathing into painfulness
as a traumatized, dysfunctional 'civilization'
struggles to rise above 'base' emotions
firing off reactive, impulsive vengeance,
inside me is an equanimous Buddha temperament
smiling and laughing at life's unfoldment
so surprising in diversity and interconnection,
reminding me, when I dare to stop,
reflect, look deeply inside 'Sacred Dream',
of continually overflowing magic, miracle
we all inhabit, share, are made of,
which bestows playful power for influencing
each moment after surrender to 'Unknown'.
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