A view of Duarte Castle and the stone block of granite it's fortress walls were built upon.
Isle of Mull, Scotland
Feeling this of late,
opposite past ecstatic times
when thought on path
to higher consciousness nirvana
full of continued exaltation,
again hitting humanness wall
seeing ways I sabotage
by judging myself, others,
this supposedly civilized world,
as old patterns surface
testing for footing friction,
they then seemingly find
ground that again supports
their arguments, views, attitudes,
which once reigned supreme,
perhaps I'm at edge
of some grand breakthrough
percolating from 'shadow' work
around 'integrity, intention, abundance,'
while revisiting childhood history
doing 'exercises' in book
'The Energy of Money',
pointing to behavioral traps
I've been caught in
during past and now,
where freedom is limited
by unenlightened egotistical perspective.
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