Latest clean cut look.
Shifts Are Coming
When I look around
after blinders are blown off suddenly
from some incident that's intolerable,
incongruent with what's wanted,
then I get fired up to act,
pull in reins on 'loose goose',
'feel good', 'living in a dream' world,
by bringing up my rear guard 'realist'
who begins a warrior's regiment
to oust any enemies of peaceful existence,
mine, or on this miraculous blue-green Earth,
'back to basics' is the creed shouted as command
with symbolic gestures of cutting hair,
letting go ideas about cultivated image,
while starting tally of 'what is'
in every territory that's my life
using designs and systems of self diagnostics,
having my 'soul as witness' do the discerning,
seeing what antics 'ego' has been up to
called 'robes of distortion' or 'personas',
who often believe they run the show
and have frequently from time to time
whenever I sleepwalk, become undisciplined,
so now renewed allegiance is pledged
toward vitality, integrity, maintaining a balance,
that's powerful, creative, clear and active,
realizing shifts are coming to my existence.
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