My sister Donna, Mom, sister MaryAnn. All mothers who lovingly endure life's challenges.
How much life feels like purgatory
can be a barometer of happiness
and joy taken from mundane activities,
whether working hard in hot sun,
making dinner for hungry family, oneself,
doing laundry, paying bills, cleaning house,
often it's just accepting aging process
more difficult the older we get,
extremely so for mother near 88
where health becomes crisis to bear
while mind runs amok playing tricks,
and fear is companion when alone
with death seeming nearer for her
than those youthfully seeking any distraction
to counterbalance despair in crazy world,
which for thousands of tortuous years
has served up madness to masses
as distorted human beings rape Earth,
defile one another through war, greed,
so out of balance they're blinded
by desperate fight for basic survival,
unable to grasp self-inflicted group misery
born of racism, sexism, religious fanaticism,
classism, building of military industrial complex
so prevalent as to deter visions
of peaceful future we'd lovingly endure.
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