Co-hosted July 4th radio show 'What's Left' at last 1940's 'RCA' studio, KSCO, AM 1080.
Santa Cruz, California
Is there such a thing
within interrelated country we share,
concepts of autonomy, sovereignty, pale
against backdrop of our planet
spinning in this interconnected galaxy,
or that there's 'chosen' people
found superior to all others
in teeming world filled with
diverse humans and their cultures,
even ownership of 'True God'
becomes laughable when many religions
claim credit, while pagans honor
'Life Force Source' in everything,
today Americans strut their stuff
conjuring simplified 'subjectively leaning' ideals
of what freedom really is,
most are ignorant of history
now reduced to sound bites
by 'talking head' politicians, media,
using buzz words often distorted
when translated to fit agenda
for groups enticing new recruits,
but rarely is responsibility mentioned,
let alone demanded of citizens
to do best, share resources,
get involved using intelligent compassion
many deem contrary to independence.
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