Wing on her pillow focusing attention on being relaxed.
Focus Attention
Contemplating, looking out upstairs window
I witness bat attempting familiar
return to day resting place
between rain gutter and fascia,
'Wing' sleeps on floor pillow,
'BK' grooms his feline fur
next to me on couch,
friend Sean is awake downstairs
here for work this week
furthering projects, beautifying, birthing creativity
in surprising and graceful ways
according to many intricately seen
potential manifestations that have percolated
in my imagination for months,
waiting for perfect juxtaposed ingredients
such as materials, timing, manpower,
willful energy following intuitive knowing
of what wants to unfold
within myriad territories around land,
home, workshop, rearranging 'what was'
into original miracle of delight,
whenever listening well to Guidance
through body, mind, spirit alchemy,
choosing threads of electric joy
resonating from possible million destinies
which remind to focus attention.
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