Looking relaxed.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)
Here's a key to high performance
that's difficult accessing when feeling urgency,
or need, caught up in desire
for some accomplishment ego deems important,
a reflection of it's ultimate worth
seen from observer's eye as great,
it involves keeping things in perspective
where all activities have own relevance
which pale when compared to death,
yet fear of this inevitable transition
becomes a hindrance for living fully,
not wanting it to come prematurely
we don't risk our precious significance,
instead cower from anything that resembles
a dying, like failure when striving
to expand into Unknown developmental realms
while learning one step at time
retrieving knowledge and wisdom about 'Self',
finding there's life on other side
of 'poor showing', to be compassionate
when remembering lifelong journey we've traveled,
all those events judged as catastrophic,
unsalvageable, bringing disgrace that appeared unforgivable,
only to realize a strengthening occurred
instilling confident ease toward future adventures,
able to effortlessly relax into Mystery.
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