Highway from Utah into Colorado on BMW motorcycle.
What's Next
Forever the question that persists
whether asked excitedly or fearfully
it surfaces consciously and unconsciously,
can 'string out' into future
filled with dreams, desires, possibilities,
imagining best, worst case scenarios
which hinge on slightest change
of 'here and now' circumstances,
plus shifts in attitudinal perspective
influenced by recognition of 'truth'
that is personal, profoundly transformative,
even if relatively small, unassuming
in initial scope and breadth,
like butterfly wings affecting weather
on other side of globe,
to find answers requires inquiry
using whole sensory human capacity
fully aware of transitory 'Nature'
this physical world evolves from,
including us, while learning, growing,
expanding, discovering more of 'Self'
as 'Soul' working through 'ego'
so often uncomfortable 'not knowing',
wanting solid sense of direction
and 'intention' to end ambiguity,
forgetting curious wonder about Unknown
creates enthusiasm for what's next.
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