Mother and son at gathering before my anticipated 2006 trip to Scotland.
Studies show this is integral piece
for humans within updated 'happiness equation',
especially when 'experience' becomes targeted goal
instead of impulsively buying material things,
new car, phone, clothes, we assimilate
quickly turning familiar, but 'adventure' memories
of prior, during, after, live on,
replayed, embellished with vivid sensations returning
that still exalt emotionally vibrant spirit,
where 'love stories' prayed for rule,
these 'dream come true' occurrences enthuse
having us lean into future potential
when perceiving world as friendly place,
breathing freely, moving energy, trusting process,
encouraging indomitable 'soul' to greater heights,
everyone engaging power of self authorship
ably defining 'Life' in satisfying terms,
it's no wonder a 'visionless' society
mired in bleak prognosis has problems
with depressed, complacent, apathetic, hopeless citizenry
consumed by mantra of bad news
thinking things will worsen, not improve,
this is betraying our essential nature
as 'Evolution' forever depends on creative
channeled ideas received from 'Unknown Source'
sparking conscious anticipation of more goodness.
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