A 'side track' road off of 'Extraterrestrial Highway' running east/west through Nevada.
So much beauty, grace,
aliveness and joy exudes
from natural world, people
who are turned onto
the miracles, medicine signs
inundating sphere of consciousness,
this bubbling synapse cauldron
that 're-members', gets 're-awakened'
to wisdom in past
we recognize as essential,
dear to our hearts
though somehow sidetracked from,
in reality never left
just misplaced from underuse,
and when it's 're-activated'
becomes familiar old friend
not seen in awhile,
provoking 'journey song' questions
which update, 're-calibrate' knowledge,
understanding, about present condition
which leads toward future,
wholly new to explore
while carrying residual feelings
of goodness from youth,
those experiences most favorable
're-minding' our authentic inclinations.
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