Replicated 'beehive cell' near 'The Great Glen' at Kilmartin, Scotland.
Visions Multiply
Let's call it our 'God Quotient',
the more that attention is divided
means there's increased Miracle to witness,
be intrigued by, start feeling into,
turning most minute observations each day
toward recognition of 'Infinite Universe' within
every 'creation' on this beautiful Earth,
while mind becomes data collection center
with 'imagination' housed in 'dream wing'
that is often underfunded in budget
as 'survival chamber' consumes tremendous resources
just to keep fear at bay,
feed the 'wolf' who blocks door,
boards up windows from light, outlook,
howling 'accelerated scenarios' of death, destruction,
relegating those trapped to darkest night,
it takes remembrance of deepest connection
to 'Source' through 'Soul' for escape,
beginning with 'what if', questioning assumptions
of 'truth' taught as sacrosanct doctrine
by those infected by 'violence virus'
who became their own jailer, prisoner,
having lost sight of 'All Potential',
but indestructible potent 'Life Force' energy
will not be denied, persistently courageous
delivering fecund promise wherein visions multiply.
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