My packed garden beds from a couple years ago.
I've always found it difficult
after a planted garden bed
erupts with little seedling greenery
to pluck out hungry sprouts,
so what's left can expand,
blossom, come to magnificent fruition,
instead, I'll leave all in
letting tangle of possibility ensue
that reflects Mystery's rich soil
feeding myriad images of harvest,
but in reality quality suffers
from strained environment of struggle
for resources now found limited,
real manifestation demands adequate space,
sun, water, earth, and air,
as catalysts to reach zenith,
perhaps it's sympathy for underdog
believing everything deserves a chance
proving worth of simple existence
cherished as excited 'dream seed'
placed in sacred heart chamber,
though destined not to unfurl,
and there's pang of sadness
whether early on, or later,
at lost 'potential' lacking ingredients,
focus, motivation, stewardship, thinning supplies.
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