Five of seven siblings, minus father Robert, on mother Dorothy's birthday last September.
Often humans hold tight
to old familiar ways
whether belief system, attitudes,
opinions, images of 'want',
relationships long gone sour
with partner, work, government,
even self, resisting change,
valuing 'security' over Unknown,
it's understandable, especially if
fear supplants curious excitement
as breath becomes constricted
unable to expand fully
into what's being asked
of 'soul's' next step,
promising energy and presence
available to activate grace,
granted there is loss
throughout life, death world,
whether beginning, middle, end,
that creates sentimental longing
when someone 'leaves' Existence,
father, mother, sister, brother,
or moving from 'home',
these places, people cherished,
loved, making vivid heartache
from thoughts of releasing.
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