Rainbow over my 'writing room' in croft on island of my ancestors.
Kintra, Isle of Mull, Scotland.
We inhabit world that's make believe,
are born of past tales written,
passed on orally, depicting ancestral origins,
immigrations, defining family, self, our relations
inherited from experiences others have lived
turned into 'bible' of many 'proper'
small engrained 'truths' embedded within fables,
and depending parental health, healing, openness,
children expand or contract through life
hearing 'rules' repeated in malleable mind,
if, 'Do what makes you happy.'
'Everything is love, arriving as change.'
'You can create what you dream.',
then magical positive vibrations fill imagination
coloring future possibilities within rainbow spectrum,
but some condemn through fear, worry,
become slave masters devouring 'soul power',
our personal birthright as 'Source' incarnate
that is distressed by lost creativity,
our inherent ability to manifest joy,
beauty, all good things while dancing
to beat of potent present moment,
uninhibited by myths about staying small
for survival, escaping being cut down,
whenever fulfilled human threatens status quo
generating opportunities to enliven virgin story.
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