Ecstatic on edge of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.
Motorcycle trip in Southwest U.S., Sept. 2008
I wish this on everyone,
as highest blessing of joy,
an enthralled, enamored, full Life
where every pore comes alive,
atoms bump bringing extraordinary vibrance
to feelings, breath, exalting perceptions
into elevated World of Mystery
wherein even most mundane experience
is seen as miraculous manifestation
available only now, this moment,
then disappears in history annals
making room for next, onward
into virgin territory that's Eternity,
Infinite in possibility and potential,
and whatever heart, soul, sings
at juxtaposition of Divine orchestration
calling you to enter 'Destiny'
that you'll summon unyielding courage,
wisdom, and insight to embrace
unique gifts within 'Great Turning',
this time of Evolving Consciousness
arriving at human 'choice points'
beyond base animalistic survival mentality
when connecting again with Oneness,
our inherited shared vital responsibility
for stewarding ecstatic Earthly Existence.
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