Exotic flower blooming by the beach in Santa Cruz, California.
Patient Unfurling
Life is a waiting game,
at least part of it,
there's no hurrying plant cycles
though vital nutrients determine growth,
effect strength, size, blossom, fruit,
but actual time of turning
in seed, seedling, sapling, tree
with dormant periods of containment
takes into account myriad influences
dependent on season, environment, resources,
let alone greater climate changes
that call for inner adaptation
whenever cellular level becomes confused
by mixed messages prompting system
to advance, though prematurely so,
flowering gets met by frost,
rain laden winds, before bees
have chance to thoroughly pollinate,
and harvest can suffer loss
due to surprising extreme weather,
wherein farmers, growers, become mystics
intently listening to inner muse
who can read tea leaves,
signs, interpret the secret codes
which spell out good fortune
in future's potently patient unfurling.
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