Monday, May 31, 2010


Morning light on trek to top of Ben Mor rising to 3100 ft.
Isle of Mull, Scotland


In morning
wee hours
near summer
when weather
shifts behavior
I open
windows, perception,
listen sounds
of dark
quiet Infinity,
with paper,
pen, attention,
while muse
sits enthralled
feeling atmosphere,
joy rising,
at promise
day brings
in silence.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Forever changing environment around my ridge top home.


Lately, I don't know
what day will bring
as plans stay loose
if any at all,
always there are possibilities
making their concerns known
wanting to capture attention
with thoughts of priority,
while so many think
that structure is needed
in moving through life
to ably build upon
past accomplishments, for more,
'this follows that', onward,
though flexibility matters most
for me as practice,
trusting perfection, right timing,
without push or pull
when marveling daily surprises.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Motorcycle route through roadwork upgrade on Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada.


Life's tests are virtually nonstop
especially if there's been attainment
of some goal long sought
with peace of mind experienced,
where pat on back acknowledgement
allows for guard coming down
thinking we have things dialed,
now just enjoy the ride,
which can be presumptuous exercise
on motorcycle, or in living,
to imagine all runs straight
with no curves, rough roads,
letting daydreams lull our awareness
becoming distracted by world passing
forgetting worked for balanced coordination,
plus vision that is needed,
while listening for inner guidance
from soul who is steering,
adjusting, to equilibrium's temporary changes.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Sitting on my BMW R1100RT 
(photo by Barbara Wiley)


As I get older
the more perceptions change,
what was important earlier
isn't now, similarly so
'Truth to die for.'
has slipped into gray,
emerging as life's waters
where physical, spiritual meet
in more expansive understanding
of myself and others,
allowing me to relax,
not be so rigid
about right and wrong,
instead 'Loving what is.'
without comparison of choices
to those friends' made
while appreciating them, me,
for embodied talents, interests,
which make us different.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Bark at base of redwood tree in Henry Cowell State Park.
Felton, California


With no two things
being exactly the same,
continually changing while aging
through life's infinite diversity,
I can think separateness
is all there is,
especially when daily routine
shifts from similar continuity
placing me into unknown
unfamiliar surroundings that effect
my inner calm equilibrium,
where more is needed
in way of decisions
to accomplish littlest headway
on 'to do' list,
then is my time
for remembering what's important,
'Breathing Oneness. Feeling Go(o)d.'
when fragmented goals overwhelm.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


All connected to the same wind during Wednesday sailboat race.
Walton Lighthouse at yacht harbor mouth. 
Santa Cruz, California.


We are all
intertwined with Source
playing our part
as diverse aspect
according to alignment,
conscious or not,
with what's called
'Power of Intention',
our embodied Oneness
with every energy
that Creation exudes
now or later,
and in past,
knowing I'm 'home'
in this form
of unique humanness,
yet also expressing
through everyone, everything,
as Universal Connector.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


As a radio DJ on 'Conciliation Sunday', KZSC. ( 
Aired from the University of California, Santa Cruz.


On my radio program
I aired a talk
by Dr. Wayne Dyer
on 'Power of Intention'
and it was rich
with many wise perspectives
plus cool word play,
that 'feeling good' is
when we 'feel God',
which resonated deep inside
so where it's easier
to witness beauty everywhere,
appreciate my inherent connection
with everyone and everything
while being a 'connector'
able to maintain equanimity
no matter outward circumstance,
also realizing how expressed 
kindness radiates energy exponentially.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sailboat returning to yacht harbor after 'summertime' Wednesday evening race.
Santa Cruz, California


Whether it's a vacation,
or interlude from routine,
there's the inevitable return
to one's mundane life
though usually something's different,
most often shift occurred
within way of perceiving
ourself, others, and world,
where new information colors
any number of beliefs,
some enliven old potential
while many 'truths' dull
when seen beyond revelation,
epiphany, even lack of,
so it becomes challenge
as gauntlet thrown down
demanding that we adjust,
evolve, integrate virgin thoughts
that organically arise afterwards.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


From tourist booth in Las Vegas, Nevada.


If we are willing
to look at ourselves
through eyes of another
what might be discovered
are attributes and virtues
often taken for granted,
perhaps areas of struggle,
weakness in the past,
that have become strengths
from our diligent work
of transforming, transcending ego,
enabling us to appreciate,
accept, perfection of Self
and others when perceiving
beyond scope of measuring
good, and bad reality,
instead 'loving what is'
as world, people, become
reflection of inner beauty.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Not Planned

Barbara Wiley with a surprise rainbow at yacht harbor beach.
Santa Cruz, California

Not Planned

The life beyond lists
of structured good intentions
is where Mystery reigns
that everyone participates in
whether knowingly or not,
and we can fret
unforeseen turns in road
or embrace each surprise
looking for silver lining
in all that happens,
believing there is reason,
perfection, in the unexpected
miracle of our existence
with so much dovetailing
into an unending synchronicity
that boggles the mind
while our heart, soul,
body, and emotions leap
toward what's not planned.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Barbara Wiley and Kevin Spitzer before a motorcycle ride.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


Not very often
I'm with someone
for full day,
especially a woman
who's 'life filled'
overflowing with joy,
kindness, compassion, love,
marveling area beauty,
while accepting, appreciating,
what is 'true'
through spiritual lens
that reveals reality
of personal nature
similar to mine,
plus being brave,
adventurous, willfully risking
all she is
to fully become
rarely encountered soul.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010




It's the breath taken
when finally coming home
from long challenging trip
filled with twists, turns,
unpredictable moments of distress,
suffering, failed wanted results,
interspersed by joy, success,
yet always a striving,
needing to be 'on'
never really fully relaxing
while in unknown territory
encountering others so different
that it stretches traveler
to question one's attitudes,
images, opinions, beliefs,
even as it strengthens
a core soul knowing,
from places, people visited,
of what feels safe.

Monday, May 17, 2010


My wee 'croft' and 'pony' on the Isle of Mull, Scotland.


On good faith
I strive daily
from varying impetus
moving toward unknown
following random ideas
that pop in
while co-creative dance
continues to unfold
through surprising turns,
juxtapositions, and attractions
my ego likes,
dislikes, or ignores,
and it's true
all these efforts
on some level
get me closer
to joyful life
my soul deems
perfectly worthy culmination.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Always More

The road winding through Zion National Park, Utah.

Always More

The list will survive,
is added onto, grows,
even while crossing off
earlier projects now finished,
it is often said
'Universe abhors a vacuum.'
always wanting to fill
space waiting to create
something out of nothing,
and humans share program
'Progress for own sake.'
way past simple needs,
so addicted to paradigm
that stopping is difficult
with ego measuring everything,
rarely able to 'be'
we glorify our 'becoming'
unwilling to recognize satisfaction
thinking there's always more.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


5,000 year old stone carvings at Achnabreck in Scotland.


One thing, to another,
each experience has threads
that reverberate when touched
as if spider web
feeling prey when trapped,
turning, pulling, flapping hard,
matching human survival struggles
often thinking separate, alone,
dog eat dog world
bent to daily task
fearful of what's next
forgetting we jail ourselves,
are devourer and devoured,
yet there is choice
to discover in search,
where looking for good
requires eyes to see
a friendly universe waiting
for recognition of leads.

Friday, May 14, 2010


A view from my workshop deck a few years ago.


What am I
'bringing to life'
with every action,
thought, feeling, prayer...
when intuitions come
do I follow
wholeheartedly, without doubt,
discovering new venues
barely daring existence
guiding me homeward,
will I falter
by denying impetus
that engages Soul,
it's natural power,
greatness, unique perspective
which favors ingenuity,
pulling beauty out
of random parts
creation joins together.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Relaxed anticipation.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


Not only are days progressing
toward moment of physical contact
with whatever attraction that entails
in visual and sensual realm,
but there is intimacy growing
from emails, phone calls, laughter,
the trading off of stories
and deep understanding from hearts
similarly familiar with tragic loss,
trial and errors that transform,
we share appreciation of beauty
spiritually connecting on vibrational plane
asking about our soul agreement
to meet in this way,
feeling each other from afar
while childlike joy bubbles up,
loving the anticipation without expectation
sensing a quickening and alignment
promising surprises when getting closer.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Stone spiral on the Isle of Iona, Scotland


As center of consciousness
I have 'response ability'
that chooses what's next
amid life's myriad possibilities
on physical, ego plane
while underneath this world
(if metaphysical like me)
is my soul journey
with it's own agenda
 reincarnated this time around,
and often, in morning,
as I review, write,
dream today's great potential,
curiously wondering life's surprises,
new opportunities begin calling,
teasing, adding to influx
of what wants created
in miraculous Mystery moment
swirling ethers of perfection.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Take Your Time

Camping at 'First Peace Launch' in 'Ghost Ranch' country.
Abiquiu, New Mexico

Take Your Time

These words of wisdom
spoken by dear friend
resonate more than ever
the older I get,
reminded how little presence
I've given to 'moment',
infinite, transfiguring, fleeting instant,
having lived in past
of could've, should've regrets
or readily dreamed future
where all is ideal,
rarely 'Be here, now!'
though that has changed,
leaving failures, expectations, alone
while letting possibilities unfold
when loving 'what is'
without measuring good, bad,
trusting Life evolves organically,
so take your time.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Mothers Donna (sister), Dorothy (my mom), and Mary Ann (sister).

Mother's Day

Every human has one
all born of woman
we are the children
of this great phenomenon,
birthed into miraculous Mystery
through the archetypal feminine
that nurtures all Creation
seeing it continues onward,
each daughter has potential
to join ancestral lineage
bringing forth in world
from womb of 'being',
then 'becoming', a soul
embodied in physical realm
who can shine light,
be a loving force,
emulating 'Sacred Life Giver'
transforming spirit into matter,
celebrated on Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

For Reason

Callanish Stones, Isle of Lewis, Scotland
Humans still wonder  the underlying reasons for 'standing stones' and 'stone circles'.

For Reason

What if underlying everything
there is inconceivable matrix
that runs spiritual conduits
of entwined electrical junctions
which spark, and fire,
in varying degree depending
on closeness to destiny,
karma, fate, or design,
if out of alignment
with deep soul purpose
the 'light' is weak
and person doesn't shine
through eyes brightly inspired
when on mainline track
riding easily and gracefully,
smoothly navigating life's turns
instead, struggle is norm,
chaos, disruptions, rare serendipity,
reminding, 'Look for reason.'

Friday, May 7, 2010


Leaning against van that will someday be my 'welding shop'.
(photo by Art Durand Photography)


It's well and good
to read about concepts,
often intellectualizing philosophical threads,
how ideas effect world
plus dynamics of evolution,
yet, rubber meets road
when bringing into practice
a shift in consciousness
from myriad of choices
introduced by growing awareness,
the refined virgin perceptions
seemingly orchestrated by something
outside common ego constructs,
as if 'Soul ordered',
meaning both aligned beyond
and requesting deep connection
within greater 'I AM'
that resonates Universal Power
while I embody 'Self'.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


View from Crow's Nest Restaurant, Santa Cruz, California,
when having 'victory drink' after month long motorcycle trip in the Southwest.


Everything in own timing
comes to it's fruition,
sometimes just barebones completion
without any real thrills
or big celebrations afterward,
often only inner recognition
of work well done,
and if we're fortunate
we can flex muscle
toward dreams and plans
that will alter life
for ourself and others
because we have resources
to make them manifest,
spurred by soul desires
which naturally rise up
made known by disturbance
in our daily living
we eventually listen to.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


On ferry trip from Orkney Island to Scottish mainland.


So much underneath
this physical realm
waiting our recognition,
and the adage
'You'll find what
you look for.',
whether friendly universe,
or not, depends
on belief system,
are there lessons
to be learned
whenever button pushed
by people, life,
some different circumstance
sparks inner inquiry
about it's meaning,
if like me
there's a 'soul'
searching hidden wisdom.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Grapevines on my sister Donna's land in Sonoma, California


Spring is busy
once rains stop,
wildflowers bloom prolific,
orchard blossoms fall
start toward fruit,
knee high grass
waits for mower,
garden wants weeding,
improvement to beds
adding compost soil
teeming with worms,
I plant seeds,
nurture winter starts
transplanted to pots
increasing water routine
as heat rises,
my actions pace
the longer light,
days, that accelerate. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Near Hanalei, Kauai, Hawaii


Today I'll work the ground,
embrace 'Beltane' while turning soil
remembering old Celtic fertility tradition,
Germanic people celebrating May Pole,
will witness birds, bees, plants,
listen the cacophony that's Creation
carrying 'OM' sound behind all,
reminded 'There is no death,
only a change of worlds.'
as spoken by Chief Seattle
part of pagan Earth Clans
all our ancestors originated from
whose ancient wisdom resonates now,
always, below civilization's clarion call
that tries to separate us
from Mother Nature, each other,
where we forget our humanity,
plus deep pulsing creative juices
activated, delivered, satiated, through fecundity.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


North Highland Scottish cottage present on moor during Battle of Culloden, 1746.
Final defeat for  Prince Charlie and Clans fighting for Scotland's independence.


Progress is capitalist drug
injected by monied elite
wanting higher bank numbers
hoping to enhance ecstasy,
a joyful nirvana state
filled with bliss, pride,
though becoming forever unsatisfactory,
addictive, always more needed
when supplying shallow rewards,
unsustainable, not self induced,
'power brokers' supremely dependent
on means to end
with none 'in-sight',
it is narcissistic devouring
of nature, community, life,
while those struggling remember
every moment is precious,
to cherish unendingly, while
witnessing insecure unreasonable Greed.