Wednesday, December 30, 2009


The sunrise view from my bed in the Balinese House, overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
Anamaya Retreat and Resort Center, Montezuma, Costa Rica


There's always beginning,
each day arrives
after nightly dissolution
where physical reality
blends with dream,
I can wonder
what's more real
when past, future,
usurp the present
through thought transfer,
always on edge
never quite grounded
living between worlds
of disintegrating truth
changing over time,
making me wonder
nature of illusion,
feelings, sight, sound,
unable to grasp,
but for moment,
extended if continuing
to choose sameness,
sticking with agreements
about social constructs,
prioritized important living,
our belief systems,
yet, transformation happens,
is inevitable evolution
I enter daily.

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