Friday, June 29, 2012


Beloved teacher and friend.


We met some eighteen years ago,
you were near 72, me aged 40,
I was ending a marriage, and seeking,
hoping to reconnect with my spirit,
with WindEagle you birthed Windtree,
where unlike yoga community at Mt. Madonna
there were hugs, laughter, times shared,
while willing to trade carpentry skills
for 'Earth Wisdom Teachings' of Mayan origin,
people who came enjoyed warm humanness,
discovered wisdom together during ceremonies,
stringing the beads, listening your explanations,
often long, full of enthusiasm to share,
as a Law Dog fierceness was needed,
seeing room for improvement in all territories
of a person, people, communities, and world,
from storied life a shaman's foresight evolved
marrying a great desire to be in service
striving to heal the hoop of 20 Count Creation,
this endeared anyone experiencing the authentic
soul courage exuding through your strong body,
decisive heart mind, adventuresome passion,
and inspirational creative freedom as a sacred human,
wherein we loved, cherished, appreciated you as friend,
brother, teacher, father, grandfather, and companion,
claiming you as our very potent RainbowHawk.

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